AddMan FDM

Open Access STEAM Software

Launching 2024

Hi, my name is James,

My background can be best described as Mechatronics Engineering. I have 20 years’ experience with CNC’s which began way back in my early days designing and developing automated manufacturing lines for my family business in the joinery and glazing industries.

Since becoming a stay-at-home Dad while my wife completes her Medical Fellowship (which is currently funding this endeavour) I have focused on designing and building my own opensource 3D printer dubbed the Eleman633.

I have enjoyed doing this alongside my children but grew increasingly dissatisfied by the limitation software often imposed. Whether it be ease of use, license limitations, licensing costs and most definitely the multiple programs with various proprietary input and output file types that again often limit compatibility and use of opensource programs.

So, I set about developing an independent 3D Modeler + Slicer + Simulator. My objective is providing a functional open access tool for STEAM education and home enthusiasts.


An intuitive traditional CAD interface for 3D Solid and Mesh modelling.

Powerful slicer supporting multiple machine inputs starting with the default RepRap G-code standard.

3D simulator to view and explore your print especially for those who don’t yet have a printer.

Developed in Python utilizing the PyQt5 library for cross platform compatibility with plans to upgrade to PyQt6 before the official release.

User Interface built with Qt Designer and directly imported as a UI xml.

Graphical user interface via Qt OpenGL widget however otherwise written in OpenGL 4.6 incorporating GLSL vertex, geometry, and fragment shaders. Meaning all rendering is on the GPU, significantly reducing crashes.


It’s CAD inside a game engine.